

楼主: 仙山笋


发表于 2006-3-17 23:31 | 显示全部楼层
<>To give you an article writen by a foreign man,Would you  help me to translate this into Chinese?别在说中国式英语啦  </P>
<>■ Motor tics. Motor tics can be simple or complex. Simplemotor tics are abrupt, sudden, and brief movements,occurring in a single and isolated way. Examples of simplemotor tics are shown in Table 1. If just one type ofsimple jerk is present, it may be considered a mannerism<br>or a non varying tic [150]. It may be difficult to distinguish simple motor tics from myoclonic or choreic jerks, even though they are often repetitive and co-occurring<br>with more complex tics [150]. Repetitive eye blinking, however, is also observed in mild idiopathic blepharospasm,which is considered a form of focal dystonia<br>[28]; however, tics and blepharospasm are differentiated<br>by the presence of other tics or dystonic movements<br>at other sites, respectively.Moreover, tics begin in<br>childhood, while blepharospasm occurs in the adult<br>[150].Tics can also be present as sustained contractions,<br>resembling dystonic movements, which are termed<br>tonic or dystonic tics.A major differential feature in torsion<br>dystonia is a continual hyperkinesia that can result<br>in a persistent abnormal posture [150]. Dystonic tics are<br>abrupt, sudden movements that are sustained in a posture,<br>brief and not continuous. The presence of tics in<br>other body regions can differentiate dystonic tics from<br>torsion dystonia [150]. Complex tics are distinct, coordinated<br>patterns of sequential movements, that may appear<br>purposeful or not [150]. Examples of complex tics<br>are shown in Table 1. Motor tics can recur in the same<br>part of the body, but they can recede from this part and</P>
<>evolve elsewhere, sometimes involving multiple sections<br>of the body [150]. Tics can be temporarily suppressible<br>(as opposed to other hyperkinetic movement disorders)<br>[62], not suppressible, or suppressible for only a very<br>short time. The sensory phenomena accompanying tics<br>resemble those associated with akathisia and the restless<br>leg syndrome [150]. The focal, localized sensations relieved<br>by movements of the affected body region have<br>been called sensory tics and are present in approximately<br>40% of patients with TS [62]. Sensory tics can be<br>sensations of pressure, tickle, warmth, cold, pain, or<br>other sensations in localized regions [62], and are often<br>preceded by a generalized discomfort sensation.<br>Ocular movements can occur as a manifestation of<br>motor tics [147] and this is relevant to the diagnosis because<br>very few other dyskinesias involve ocular movements.<br>The exceptions are opsoclonus, ocular myoclonus,<br>and oculogyric spasms,more often associated<br>with antipsychotic medication or as a consequence of<br>encephalitis lethargica [72, 147]. Other paroxysmal<br>dyskinesias can be easily diagnosed. Paroxysmal kinesigenic<br>choreoathetosis (or dystonia) is triggered by a<br>sudden movement, lasts seconds, and recedes after anticonvulsant<br>therapy. Paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dystonia<br>lasts from minutes to hours [150].<br>Tics are brief movements but not as brief as the<br>movements of myoclonus, which last less than 200 milliseconds<br>and are not suppressible. Although individual<br>tics may resemble the individual movements of chorea,<br>tics are repeated stereotyped movements,whereas choreic<br>movements are randomly distributed [12].<br>■ Vocal tics. Vocal or phonic tics are involuntary<br>sounds produced by moving air through the nose,<br>mouth, or throat [12, 19, 27, 53, 150]. Examples of vocal<br>tics are throat-clearing sounds and sniffing, grunts, verbalizations<br>of syllables and words, and inappropriate<br>phrases or obscenities (coprolalia) [150].Vocal tics can<br>be divided into simple tics, such as throat clearing,barking,<br>sniffing, and complex tics, such as coprolalia,<br>echolalia, and palilalia [150]. Involuntary and “unvoluntary”<br>phonations occur in the moaning in akathisia, in<br>severe parkinsonism, in progressive supranuclear palsy,<br>and in response to levodopa treatment; brief sounds occur<br>in oromandibular dystonia, Huntington’s disease,<br>neuroacanthocytosis, and tardive dyskinesia; sniffing<br>and spitting occasionally occur in Huntington’s disease<br>and neuroacanthocytosis [150].</P>
匿名  发表于 2006-3-18 00:08
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>仙山笋</I>在2005-11-7 8:29:00的发言:</B><BR>
<>Haven't  been here for days.</P>
<>Sometimes the life is full of surprise that make you happy or sad or annoyed. I came across the happiness and upset during one afternoon. My company conformed me to go to Hangzhou for 4-day education. I went on the high way with happy mood and the imagination of the beautiful  sight of the west lake.  Just then they called me that the date of education was changed!</P>
<>Oh my god! How annoyed  I was  when I heard  that. I wished that I could jump down the bus.But it couldn't stop on the high way.So I had to wait  until it arrive Hangzhou ,so disappointed. It fanally got to Hangzhou,I bought the tickct and came back soon. I was so tired.</P></DIV>
<> conformed  紧贴的,同形的  不是通知的意思,用notice就行。 4-day 应为4-day's     high way〔公路〕 应为free way〔高速公路〕,west lake应为West Lake  Just then they called me that the date of education was changed!  最好改为Just then they informed me through telephon that the day for the education had changed.
<>I went on the high way with happy mood .......似乎不妥。有其是用了went on  
<>during one afternoon   改为on the same afternoon,更能体 你的处境</P>


发表于 2006-4-15 13:47 | 显示全部楼层
<>仙山笋,you do great.</P>
<>I wrote a diary in english every day before my daughter's coming to the world.</P>
<>Now I also write everyday,but all in chinese,and most about my daughter,recording the course of her growing.Since I was pregnant,to her birth,till now,she is 1.5 years.</P>
<>I want to keep all the diaries to give her for the present when she marries and when she has a baby,she will understand the hardships what we do for her.</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-15 08:27 | 显示全部楼层
<p>thank you&nbsp;&nbsp;,hilary. i am not determined enough to write a passage everday.But i will try my best to continue.</p><p>this morning i went to climb the chicheng&nbsp;hill with two friends. Seen from the top of the hill ,&nbsp;tiantai is &nbsp;really a&nbsp; nice city.</p>


发表于 2006-9-7 22:56 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font face="Courier" color="#b32bd5" size="4"><font color="#1111ee">It is not earlier for me. Usually i go to bed at 22:00. i am a lazy person. But tonight i have to stay up a little bit later, for my dear rommy is using the bathroom for quite a long time, wihtout any signing of finishing his job. i am in an annoying of habit of going to sleep after a good shower. so i have to wait, waiting for my turn,waiting for the&nbsp;daggy in tha manger to finish. When i came back, the bathroom was not occupied. i was about to take the shower when he shouted that he would use it in few minutes. he was suck a geek. birds of a feature flock togethe. he is a geek, so you can guess how geeky i am. anyway, both of us are fastidious about leanliness, so i can calculate the minimum amount of time for him to finish everything.having nothing to do but waiting for my turn, i remembered today i have registered to be a member of the english world. so i think might write sth in the forum. i had planned to set up my own forum. but i am such an diot on computer that i donno how to have my own place. so i think i should say "sorry"and "thx" to the person who create this place where i can type sth. :) well, i am&nbsp;a cold feeter in this small but noisy city. by cold feet, i mean i have cold feet when winter comes. i am afraid of coldness. living for such a long time,&nbsp; i still could not figure out why exactly i have got cold feet.except kinda slight impression that it might be caused by the lack of exercise, so even when i am sweating, my feet remain as cold as cold itself.&nbsp;hard to imagine seemingly sporty me, how&nbsp;come hate sports.secondly, i am a cold feeter because i could easily get nervous. "cold feet" literally means a person gets nervous when he is getting married. we can say "he got cold feet in the last minute ". i learnt this phrase when i watched "Sleepless Seyato" (the place name is definitely wrongly spelt) featuring Tom Hanks.&nbsp;i&nbsp;have forgotten who it&nbsp;is that told&nbsp;me cold feet can be used to&nbsp;refer to any kind of nervousness,&nbsp;but for sure he is a potato&nbsp;as small&nbsp;as myself.&nbsp;so i don't think&nbsp;it is grammatically correct to have a name like coldfeeter, which is totally made up&nbsp;by myself, a guy with a bird brain.&nbsp;however, names&nbsp;are just names, meaning nothing as well as anything. i would be&nbsp;very happy to meet you guys in the&nbsp;name&nbsp; of coldfeeter :)&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></font></p>


发表于 2006-9-8 11:38 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong><font face="Arial Black">so fascinating!</font></strong>
        </p><p><strong><font face="幼圆">it's been long for</font></strong>
                <strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">仙山笋 </font></strong><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549"><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">to continue her writing.</font></strong><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">to be frank, i didn't expect her to be so determined.</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">such a nice girl!</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">hope to meet you someday.</font></strong></p></font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">to be frank, i didn't expect her to be so determined.</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">such a nice girl!</font></strong></p><p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">hope to meet you someday.</font></strong></p>[em17]


发表于 2006-9-7 23:14 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font face="Courier" color="#1111ee" size="5">to&nbsp;版主,THX, i did not mean to be rude, interfering your forum. i also make mistakes in my writing. eg," i should have written i am in an annoying habit of ..." </font></p><p><font face="Courier" color="#1111ee" size="5">you are the person i admire :) </font></p><p><font face="Courier" color="#1111ee" size="5">to the person named "业余侠客", you&nbsp;scare me.&nbsp;if&nbsp;i had&nbsp;read what you written in this forum, i&nbsp;would never&nbsp;scribble here.&nbsp;but every one makes mistakes. you shouldnot be so critical. we make&nbsp;progress over mistakes.&nbsp;</font></p>


发表于 2006-8-31 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
<p>jane:</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; congraterations for your upgrade to be an administrator of this editions of the forum,i just noticed.</p>


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-21 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size="2">It&nbsp;is so nice to sit in front&nbsp;of the sea, looking at the wave that move up and down and listening to the sound.This is a very small village near the sea with only about 50 families. And the people are all living on fishing. When the wind is tender,they go out fishing in the moring and get back in the afternoon with lots of fishes,crabs ang prawns.Life is both peaceful and beautiful.</font></p><p><font size="2">When you go to bed&nbsp;and&nbsp; close your eyes,you can hear the sound of the sea.So&nbsp;nice&nbsp;that it&nbsp;sounds like a pretty&nbsp;woman's low voice that telling tender stories.</font></p><p><font size="2">I really love such a nice place.I&nbsp;image that when i&nbsp;get&nbsp;old,&nbsp;I'd&nbsp;like to live&nbsp;there with my lover---an old man who holds my hands and we take a walk along the sea&nbsp;,&nbsp;seeing the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the afternoon.We&nbsp;are&nbsp;both old and clumsy&nbsp;but we are very happy. Maybe we will raise a lovely dog named "wangwang" or "lulu" and like that. What a nice picture and now I&nbsp; should &nbsp;work hard to raise money for my dream and what is more important ,&nbsp; to find a man to dream with me!</font></p><p><font size="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></p>


发表于 2006-8-11 13:14 | 显示全部楼层
<p>仙山笋:</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 期待你写下去,走自己的路让别人去说吧,什么中国式英语不好.先不要写长句什么的.我只知道能用英语表达出自己的意思的人就已经是PERFECT,当你懂的越多时,你会发现你懂的也越多----所以说当你写的越多的时候你会发现你的错误码也越多.PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT,ENGLISH BECAMES EASY ONLY BY PRACTICE.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 那人给的那篇东东有点专业,翻不出来的人多的是.我翻过的资料英语专业毕业的没几个能翻出来的.有些材料给大学英语教师翻不出,我把它翻出来了,翻译需要工具书\专业知识和材料.不过说真的自己英语的水平还是很烂,虽上已经翻过可能有五十万字材料了吧(没有具体计算过)!但我还是坚持在学习.先说这些,以后有空再说.</p>


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-16 12:22 | 显示全部楼层
<p>thank you so much to the lovely girl upstairs!!&nbsp; it is really kind of you to encourage me.</p><p>During these months i have been busy with my work. There is so much thing to learn and i also spent much time to visit other places because i hope to see more beautiful things in this world .</p><p>Life is so nice. And i will come here to write again.</p><p>thank again.</p>


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-17 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size="2">Which do you prefer in your work? To be very free or vrey busy?</font></p><p><font size="2">If you choose the&nbsp;first one,you nearly have nothing to do with your work. you can be on the internet almost the whole day or chat with your friends except going out of the office.</font></p><p><font size="2">Of course someone would like to <font face="宋体">choose</font> a busy day. They would work around the clock and have little time to rest during the day.Maybe they will feel tired but they feel full of substance.</font></p>
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