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发表于 2005-10-12 15:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>I will insist on learning English. It's my hobby . When I first touched  this sound  language in the middle school ,I fell love with it. But it's a shame that I am not a girl with strong determination that I don't work hard enough to learn it well. During my study in the university,  I went to the English corner sometimes,but most of the time I was playing. </P>
<>Since China entered  WTO,and especially for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, English is becoming more and more important. I deside to learn it well. And the English world offers us a good place to communicate . I will do my best to write an article everyday here.</P>
<>It will be kind of you if you fide some mistakes and point them out.Thanks a lot.</P>
<>And if you have the same aim and interest, what about writing  together with me? </P>


发表于 2005-10-12 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
<>It's a good advice!</P><>I like English very mush,but not very well.</P><>No body help me.</P><>when I saw this 文章(忘了咋拼了)</P><>非常开心,</P>


发表于 2005-10-12 16:35 | 显示全部楼层
<>No body?</P><>My god!</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-13 08:50 | 显示全部楼层
<>2</P><>It is said that I was both clever and beautiful when I was a little girl.   Really?  I see into the mirrer only to find there is a short and fat  girl .Maybe I have been a nice girl,but now I look just like the ugly duck.</P><>After I entered  the high school, I became fatter and fatter. At that time I never worried about that because most of my friends told me I was so lovely with such kind heart.  On the contrary, I was happy to be fat. But now, I find  it's terrible to be a fat girl. First it's not healthy .Second,it's hard for me to buy a suitible coat. Both of the two points make me  annoyed.  So I decide to lose weight.</P><>For about two months I keep doing more exercise and eating  less . I lost only 2 kg.  But I feel healthier and comfortable.   To my sadness, when I ate more last week, my weight jumped  back again quickly . My god,it seems to be a hard task for me to lose weight. </P>


发表于 2005-10-13 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
i'll learn english since i read this,my QQ is 47808496 ,    <B>仙山笋</B> , can you help me?


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-13 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
<>to  上楼:I'd like to improve English with you together.  It's my pleasure and horner. But I seldom chat on QQ except that I have an appointment with my good friends.  I  am free in the night ,so if you have time  we can communicate in English  by QQ.</P><>What do you think?</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-14 10:34 | 显示全部楼层
<>3</P><>Everyone has a dream,so do I.  When I was 13 years old,my grandpa died of illness, which made my family very sad. He loved  us so much that I felt my heart was broken.  Since then I had a dream of becoming a doctor,saving people's  life. </P><>I worked very hard in my study and never stopped imagining about working in a hospital and dealing with the illness.But to my surprise, I wasn't accepted by the medical college but another post &amp; telecommunication college  in Nanjing. It changed my way of life that my dream would never come true.</P><>Yes , everyone has a dream,but not everyone can  realize his dream. The life pushes you forward, never consisdering about your will. Then what shall we do? I feel so confused. </P>


发表于 2005-10-14 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
<>To the lovely girl "upstairs"</P><>Your English is pretty good. I've read all your three articles. Just mind you, if you want to achieve an academic level, it's not the way you write an essay. First of all, you need to have a clear thesis statement to tell the readers what it is about. Then there should be supporting idea(s) to explain it. Finally, it comes to the conclusion part. Hope it helps.</P><>To answer the question that you've been confused with, I believe your dream or objective is to help people with your warm heart. So you should not be bothered by whether or not you can be a doctor as you expected before. You can help people anyway. All my best wishes to you!</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-14 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
<>to  "benovice":</P><>Thank you so much for your advice!   I will try to  take it  in my writing . And thank  you for your statement about my congfusion, which aggrees to my mind. </P>


发表于 2005-10-15 02:04 | 显示全部楼层
<>You're welcome!</P><>I believe you'll be very happy in your whole life. Helping others, help yourself.</P><>Hope that there will be more and more warm-hearted girls (and boys as well) just like you.</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-17 08:40 | 显示全部楼层
<>4</P><>Two of my good friends came to see me  last weekend. We went to the Guoqing temple, ete almost all kinds of food of Tiantai's special  in the street and took a lot of pictures. They said it was more beautiful and bigger  than  our town. </P><>Happy time flies so fast. When they left,  I felt  so lonely and sad. I think frends are  really your precious wealth in the world. </P><> First ,they give you happyness.When you stay with them,you feel at ease and very happy. You may have the same  interest, same appion and same feelings.  </P><>Second, they give you courage,When you are in a sad mood becourse of failiour or other hit in your mind, they will comfort you and encourage you to face with the life. They wii always stand in the back of you.</P><>Thirdly, they will be ready to help you when you are in difficulty.Maybe you don't have to ask them for help,they will come to you ,giving you a hand. So you won't face the world alone. You will be strong.</P><>So love your good friends and they will love you too. The world is nicer because of the beautiful friendship!</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-19 18:45 | 显示全部楼层
<>5( make up for 18th)</P><>I find it's hard to get a topic to write about . It is different from writing Chinese articles. The ladder is much easier of course,because it's my mother language.What ever the title is given,I can write something. But  English is different.If the title is to difficult, maybe I can't think out one word. </P><>It seems that I am wrinting something of no meanings.:).But just like "late is better than abscent", I think what I have written is better than none.  </P>


发表于 2005-10-18 19:01 | 显示全部楼层
i like this.


发表于 2005-10-21 11:39 | 显示全部楼层
<>Wow, good for you! You've really been doing it. I cannot do things as consistently as you do.</P><>With regard to your concern of the difficulties in picking up topics, i have a suggestion for you. (maybe you don't like it, just mind you) You can go to Chinese or Egnlish Websites to find out the hottest issues, and give out your ideas. For instance, " What do you think of China's  education? ...."  Another thing is to find somebody else to read your essay and make comments on it. You can improve yourself by doing that.</P><>I have very similar situations just like yours which is that i cannot stay with my family together since i was 17. For about ten years, i havn't had many oppotunities to go back home and enjoy family time. However, deep in heart, my love to my parents is always there, and i know the day that we can stay all day long will come.  Don't worry about it because your parents know that you miss them, and the most important things for them is that you two girls are happy and healthy. They'll happy because you are happy.</P><>Best wishes for you!</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-19 19:12 | 显示全部楼层
<>6</P><>I miss my parents very much  these days.,and my sister too.</P><>When I was only 6 years old,my parents went as far as Yunnan for business. Since then ,the whole family seldom lived together. Both of my parents are farmers.They have led a very hard life to earn money to pay for the tution of my sister and me. My father told us to work hard in study  to be a university student. In his opinion, the only way to get a promotion in status and to lead a better life is to go to the university and get a good job.</P><>Now both my sister and I have achieved my parents'  acquirement ,making our dreams of university come true. But we still can't live together. My sister has married and live in Shanghai, and my mother is now taking care of my nephew. Whlie I  work in Tiantai and my father lives alone at home.  We are still not rich.  I really hope that I can earn much money to buy a big house where my parents and I can live together.    Well,  there wiil  be my husband  too. As to husband, I think it's really hard to meet your Mr.right.  I hope he is a little rich  but the most important thing is that he is a kind man who will be good to my parents.</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-20 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
<>7</P><>He is a doctor.  When he was in primary school his father  made lots of fortune and became a rich man. So he never worried about the money. At  that time he always preferred to buy expensive things such as watch, clothes ,pens ,etc,and showed them to us ,which made me very sick. </P><>It was amazing that he changed a lot  since he was in high school. He  worked very hard in his study and seldom concered about  other things. Fanally he was admitted by a medical college and became a doctor.  I asked him about his great change. He told me that he had a dream of becoming a doctor which made him work hard.  Now he works in a  hospital, leading a busy and tired life.But he is happy and not willing to do business with his father.</P><>I adore him.He is a determined man.</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-24 08:05 | 显示全部楼层
<>to  benovice :thank you very much for your kindly concern and suggestion, but the hottest issues are too difficult for me.Maybe I can only 3-4 sentences.</P><>I find a little hard to go on,but I will try my best.</P><>Thank  you very much that you are really a kind-hearted person.Best wishes for you too!</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 08:16 | 显示全部楼层
<>thilary,    Thanks a lot for your encouragement, I am so moved. I will go on though it is hard to think out topics.  </P><>A good friend came to see me. I have worked here for nearly  3 months,and so  far  4 good friedns have visited me. I feel warm and happy about that. The girl visited me yesterday is a very lovely and charming girl . She is of great humour and can  always make you laugh. It's so happy to be with her.</P>


发表于 2005-10-25 21:33 | 显示全部楼层
<>Oh crap! You've done a really good job, girl.</P><>You are so determined. Yes. It's so nice. Please go on with it.</P><>We are beside you. Any topic is ok.</P>


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:51 | 显示全部楼层
<>(接上)</P><>She is so charming that several men fall in love with her,which disturbs her very much. Among the most annoying is that a man  sends her love messages everyday  for 2 years. She is  sick of  him  but  can  do  nothing.  Because blame is of no use to him. Finally someone thinks out a good idea to help her. We searched for  a  handsome boy among our male friends and asked him to pretend to be her boyfriend.  They called out  the man and played a very wonderful play to him.  He was nearly pale the whole night. For 3 days he was scilent. We were going to celebrate while he sended a message saying: I love you though you have boyfriend! I still have chance! I love you!</P><>My god.</P>
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